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Erie Basin
Snapple Factory, 212 Wolcott Street, Red Hook, Brooklyn

Pier 39, Red Hook, Brooklyn

Louis J. Valentino, Jr. Park and Pier, Red Hook, Brooklyn

Pier 41, Red Hook, Brooklyn

Red Hook Stores, Red Hook, Brooklyn

Beard Street Warehouse, Red Hook, Brooklyn

Beard Street Warehouse, Red Hook, Brooklyn

Revere Sugar Refinery, Red Hook, Brooklyn

Revere Sugar Refinery, Red Hook, Brooklyn

Revere Sugar Refinery, Red Hook, Brooklyn

Erie Basin, Red Hook, Brooklyn

Empty Barge, Erie Basin, Red Hook, Brooklyn

New York Shipyard Corporation, Erie Basin, Red Hook, Brooklyn

Statue of Liberty, Upper New York Bay From Erie Basin, Red Hook, Brooklyn

Erie Basin, Red Hook, Brooklyn

Breakwater Terminal, Erie Basin, Red Hook, Brooklyn

Hughes Brothers Barges, Erie Basin, Red Hook, Brooklyn

Barge, Erie Basin, Red Hook, Brooklyn

Breakwater Terminal, Erie Basin, Red Hook, Brooklyn

Breakwater Terminal, Erie Basin, Red Hook, Brooklyn

Breakwater Terminal, Upper New York Bay Side, Red Hook, Brooklyn

Breakwater Terminal, Lower Manhattan Skyline, Red Hook, Brooklyn

Police Department Evidence Lot, Breakwater Terminal, Red Hook, Brooklyn

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Hidden Harbor Tours
Working Watercraft 2003 Tour Guide (.pdf)
Louis J. Valentino, Jr. Park and Pier Historical Sign

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