Watch Me Unravel I’ll Soon Be Naked, Lying On The Floor I’ve Come Undone
Mayor Bloomberg, illustrating his near-peerless ability to helm the ship in the midst of stormy, uncertain weather:
Posted: November 20th, 2008 | Filed under: Things That Make You Go "Oy"Call him Mayor Doomsberg.
In rat-a-tat fashion on Wednesday, Hizzoner:
– Warned city workers they are in danger of being laid off.
– Defiantly told homeowners not to count on property tax rebates.
– Ordered city thermostats turned down as temperatures hovered near freezing.
“Wear a sweater if you’re chilly!” the mayor advised city workers — before threatening them with unemployment.
“You’re trying to plan, if you’re a city worker, whether you’re going to have a job. You have to start worrying about that and plan,” Bloomberg said. “There’s an awful lot of the 300,000 municipal employees who have got to start worrying about their jobs.”
. . .
Bloomberg also said the city won’t send out $400 property tax rebates until he’s sure the city can afford it, despite his budget director’s admission on Monday that the Council has to approve the decision.
“I understand exactly what the Council said. We issue the checks. And this is not something that’s going to be decided by litigation,” he said, referring to a suit filed by several Council members to force him to send the rebates.