One More New York City Quirk To Be Erased
They just want to get rid of everything that makes the city stupidly unique:
Posted: June 14th, 2010 | Filed under: Consumer Issues, Feed, HistoricalThe city Health Department wants to end its age-old milk expiration date requirements, meaning cartons will have a later “sell by” stamp — and just one date.
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New York City remains one of the few places in the country — and the only city in the state — that has its own dating system for milk. Neighboring counties and other states rely on the processor to set the expiration date, which is generally 14-15 days after pasteurization, according to the Health Department.
The city’s reasoning was that milk took a few days to get to city stores or sat on warm stoops after deliveries, officials said. But both factors are rare now, they said.
If the city erases its rule, only the manufacturer’s date would appear on the carton.