Buried Lede: How Did They Get Those Seats For Only $375?
So much for Aura and Mystique — I thought those tickets were like $1200 or something during the regular season:
It was any Yankee fan’s dream: Late October, the playoffs, the Yankees leading the game, and plenty of food paid by expense accounts and $11 beers being delivered by waiters. After some chat about business and baseball, the inevitable question was raised: when to head for the exit.
It was the fourth inning.
Nonetheless, with evening approaching, ballpark cheers gave way to the siren song of Manhattan and the comforts of an evening of luxury, a short Lincoln Town Car ride away.
Despite paying $375 per ticket on StubHub, the men had no qualms about leaving early, the very idea of which, if introduced in certain other ballparks in certain other cities, might result in a Budweiser bath.
Location Scout: Yankee Stadium.
Posted: October 25th, 2010 | Filed under: Class War, Well, What Did You Expect?