Of Course It Will Always Be A Front Row Ticket To The Best Show On Earth When The Entire Earth Is Your Jurisdiction
Well, if no one else in charge will speak up then it might as well be Chris Christie:
Posted: March 1st, 2012 | Filed under: Grrr!Christie also proceeded to critcize the NYPD in a way that would have been unimaginable for a major national Republican figure ten or even five years ago, post 9/11: “I hope that almost 11 years past 9/11, we are not going to go back to those days because no one is omniscient,” he said. “No one knows everything in this world in law enforcement.” And, he added, “This is the New York Police Department. I know they think their jurisdiction is the world. Their jurisdiction is New York City. My concern is this kind of obsession that the NYPD seems to have that they’re the masters of the universe.”