The Man Who Would Be The Shining Lodestar For A New Progressive Era In This Country . . .
. . . if only he could get to his press conferences on time and avoid pissing off the reporters who cover him:
Posted: January 16th, 2014 | Filed under: Jerk MoveSome reporters say they are even wistful for chilly Michael Bloomberg, who, though openly contemptuous of the press, was more or less respectful of schedules and deadlines.
“There are no press conferences that start even 10 minutes late,” said one City Hall reporter, who, like most journalists interviewed for this story, would only speak on background. “The resentment is starting to show. This wouldn’t happen with Bloomberg in a hundred-million years.” [. . .]
Another political reporter said the mayor’s disregard for scheduling “affects deadlines and meetings. He’s up to an hour late, which makes it hard when you have to work within the constraints of a deadline.”
Though Mr. de Blasio rode into office as a man of the people, apparently, they do not include the (mostly) 99-percenters known as journalists.